Keep Your Garage Door Working Its Best with our Yearly Garage Door Tune-Up Services

Like any other mechanical moving device the garage door needs regular maintenance to maintain maximum performance. Garage door problems usually start out small and if they go unnoticed can eventually lead to the door binding, damaged panels, throwing the door off track or even having the door completely falling out of the track. A little preventive maintenance can add years of live to your overhead door and garage door opener. Call today to learn more about our Residential Garage Door Maintenance plans.
Door Inspection Points

Spring tension
Condition of cables
Function of lock(s)
Condition of rollers
Condition of hinges
Mounting hardware
Lube moving parts
Weather strip/seal
Condition of panels
Condition of drums
Condition of bearings
Condition of shaft
Condition of track
Back hangs
Safety / Service labels

Operator Inspection Points

Transmitter check
Wall button function
Safety reverse
Check back hangs
Tension chain / belt
Lube moving parts
Light bulb function
Photo eye alignment
Mounting hardware
Limit switch settings
Inspect wiring
Inspect bushings/bearings
Operator safety sticker
Door attachment point